Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Companies:
This is a main area of activity and IVE is active in the supply of compression solutions, gas processing plants, production equipment to the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production companies (E&P). The Oil & Gas E&P sector is the most proactive sector in Pakistan at present with a significant involvement of local and international companies. The list of our clients include BP Pakistan, Mari Gas Company Limited : BHP Pakistan; Tullow Oil; MOL Pakistan: Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) and several others. The E&P companies have a very sound technical and financial base with genuine qualified experts in each area of their core activities. In the E&P sector it is rather important to cater to the high quality standards and timely completion schedules of the clients as production delays and quantities result in losses very quickly and significantly. As a result the E&P companies have always been willing to chose the most technically qualified option when they consider their major equipment. At IVE we have very strong access to the key personnel in the E&P sector especially on the technical and senior management side. This does have a strong benefit of having access to the correct information at an early stage so that the maximum benefit can be obtained. Also, knowing the thinking of the clients is very useful in preparing the strategy for the projects and enables an efficient structuring of the proposal. We feel that at IVE we can contribute very significantly towards successfully targeting projects in the E&P. sector.